Streamlined Integration with Hundreds of Ready Workflow Steps!

Effortless CI workflows crafted by Appcircle and the Partners. Enhance your builds with dynamically designed workflow steps for various tasks and integrations.

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App Center iOS Distribution

Distribute IPA and dSYM files to App Center.Details

App Center Android Distribution

Distribute APK, AAB, and mapping files to App Center.Details

App Center CodePush

Release a React Native update to App Center CodePush.Details

Appium Server

Appium mobile test automation frameworkDetails

Appcircle Badge

Add badge to your .png files.Details

Appcircle Publish Release Notes

This component publishes release notes to stores.Details

Activate SSH Private Key

Activate SSH private key in RSA formatDetails

Android App Post-Processor

System operations to identify and process the output filesDetails

Android Build

Build your application for the architectures specified in your projectDetails

Azure DevOps Bot for Detekt

Bot script that allows Detekt outputs to make changes to Azure DevOps Pull Requests.Details

Android Build for UI Testing

Build your test applications with gradleDetails

Android Dependency Report

Visualizes the whole dependency treeDetails

Android Lint

Run lint gradle task on your Android project’s source filesDetails

Android Sign

Sign the unsigned output file from the build step with the selected keystoreDetails

Android Unit Test

Run Android project's unit testsDetails

Android Version Management

Increase the build number automatically for AndroidDetails

Appcircle Custom Scripts

Carry out any custom operation in the build machine with a compatible scriptDetails

AppSweep Mobile Security Testing

Scan your Android app using AppSweepDetails

AWS Amplify

Deploy Flutter apps to AWS Amplify ConsoleDetails

AWS Device Farm Deploy and Run

Deploy a file to AWS Device Farm and run testsDetails

Azure Boards

Add comment to Azure Boards Issue and optionally change the status.Details

BrowserStack App Automate - Espresso

Run your Espresso tests on BrowserStack App Automate.Details

BrowserStack App Automate - XCUI

Run your XCUI tests on BrowserStack App Automate.Details


Generate an universal APK from an AAB.Details

Cache Pull

Fetch cached dependencies and build artifactsDetails

Cache Push

Cache dependencies and build artifacts for later buildsDetails


Execute Carthage in the project pathDetails

Cocoapods Install

Execute CocoaPods install in the project pathDetails


Automate common code review chores.Details

Data Theorem Mobile Secure

Scan your app using Mobile Secure.Details


A static code analyzer for KotlinDetails

Export Build Artifacts

Exports the specified build artifacts to the Appcircle dashboardDetails


Runs fastlane laneDetails

File Size Check

Checks the file size of build artifacts.Details

Distribute via Firebase App Distribution

Send your build artifacts to Firebase App DistributionDetails

Firebase Deployment

Deploy your web applications to Firebase HostingDetails

Firebase Test Lab for Android

Run Firebase Test Lab testsDetails

Firebase Upload dSYM

Upload debug symbols to FirebaseDetails

Flutter Analyze

Run flutter analyze commandDetails

Flutter Build for Android

Build your Flutter project for AndroidDetails

Flutter Build for iOS

Build your Flutter project for iOSDetails

Flutter Build for Web

Build your Flutter project for WebDetails

Flutter Test

Run flutter test commandsDetails

Fortify on Demand Mobile Assessment

Provide true security testing about securing mobile applications.Details

Git Clone

Clone the selected repository to the build machineDetails

Gradle Runner

Runs a Gradle taskDetails

Install Certificates & Profiles

Install certificates and provisioning profilesDetails

Install Flutter

Install the specified flutter versionDetails

Install Node

Select a specific Node version for the buildDetails

iOS Version Management

Increase the build number automatically for iOSDetails


Add comment to Jira Issue and optionally change the status.Details

Maestro Cloud Upload

Upload both your app binary and flows to Maestro Cloud.Details


Authenticate with netrcDetails

NPM/YARN Commands

Runs npm/yarn with the given commandsDetails


The mobile test automation tool for bug-free apps in no timeDetails


Use Slather to convert test results to human readable formatDetails


Trigger Sonarqube checks for code quality and code securityDetails


Runs Swiftlint on the project to provide report and clean codeDetails


Run your test plans with TestiniumDetails

Test Report Component

This component parses test and coverage results to single JSON file.Details


Run Tuist to generate Xcode project filesDetails

Upload Files to Amazon S3

Upload files to an Amazon S3 bucketDetails

Wait for Android emulator

Wait for Android emulator to boot.Details

Azure DevOps Bot for Swiftlint

Bot script that allows Swiftlint outputs to make changes to Azure DevOps Pull Requests.Details

Audit Permission Changes

Detect permission changes for applicationDetails

Xcode Select

Specify the Xcode version to be used during the build processDetails

Xcodebuild Build for Testing

Specify the Xcode version to be used during the build processDetails

Xcodebuild Build for Devices

Build your application for iOS devices in ARM architectureDetails

Xcodebuild for Unit and UI Tests

Build your application for iOS Simulator in x86 architectureDetails

Appdome for iOS

Integration that allows activating security and app protection featuresDetails

Appdome for Android

Integration that allows activating security and app protection featuresDetails

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